Yes, every human being living in the world was born to serve God, even though most of us do not do it actually. This failure on the part of the whole of humankind accounts for the mess the world is in today.

In the book of Revelation 19:10 we read the following words from Apostle John: “At this I fell at his feet to worship him. But he said to me, “Do not do it! I am a fellow servant with you and with your brothers who hold to the testimony of Jesus. Worship God! For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.” Please note that the angel identified only those who hold to the testimony of Jesus, who came into the world to serve and not to be served, as his fellow servants….

Although much is to be said in expanding on this passage in the context of the chapter, let me draw our attention to one aspect only, that is, the angel’s knowing what he was created for. He knew he was a servant like Apostle John and many others who hold to the testimony of Jesus. He also knew that as servant he was to be worshipped under no circumstances because worship belongs to God exclusively.

How a servant could allow someone else to fall at his feet to worship him -falling at someone’s feet, or prostrating before someone, is an act of worship. Only someone who does not know or forgotten that he is a servant like anyone else in God’s creation, or someone who has rebelled against God, would do it.

Hence, the bible is clear that any of us (human beings) who bows to anyone else but God has thereby rejected Him as the King. Who or what do you bow to?

A servant will always serve his lord or master and will never promote himself to being served. A servant cannot have a personal agenda or vision. His personal agenda is to fulfil his master’s agenda. It is in serving God that his will is done on earth.

Finally, it is in serving God that we develop a sense of fulfilment in life for having done what we were created to do, or fulfil what we came into the world for.

Lord help us appreciate our calling as servants of God in the world so that we can allow you to use us to bless others and ensure that your will is done on earth as it is done in heaven, in Jesus’ name!