Truth and lie are like light and darkness, respectively. In fact, they are both languages or “native languages” (mother tongues), to borrow Jesus’ expression (John 8:44): Truth is the mother tongue of Jesus Christ (Immanuel, Logos or Word of God) and lie is the mother tongue of Satan (Lucifer, Devil).

Truth is the language of the kingdom of God, but lie is the language of the kingdom of darkness. In other words, truth is the domain of the kingdom of God (light) and lie is the domain of the kingdom of Satan (darkness).
Whilst truth enlightens and thereby sets free (John 8:32), lie darkens and thereby brings into bondage. It means that truth always adds (+) but lie always substracts (-) or takes away. Hence, anyone who lies is bound to be a looser just as anyone who believes in lies.

Interestingly, the bible describes the Word of God as Truth (God is the Father of truths) and the sword of the Spirit (God) (Ephesians 6:17). Similarly, the Lord Jesus remarks that the truth is not in the devil: “When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies.” (John 8:44) Accordingly, lie is the sword of Satan and his agents (spirit of Satan).

It is important to understand that the word of God as Truth, or father (source) of truths, is the sword that should constantly be in your hand if you are to deal fatal blows to your enemy (the devil) daily -Satan cannot overcome you as long as you walk and abide in the truth(s). Satan dreads truth on that account.

It is equally important to understand that lie is the sword your enemy (devil) uses to deal fatal blows to your life daily. You cannot overcome Satan as long as you walk or abide in lie(s). You should dread and abhor lie on that account.

Let me encourage you reading this article to dread lie as much as Satan (devil) dreads truth. Think of lie as dialling the emergency number of the kingdom of Satan (darkness, curses) and truth as dialling the emergency number of the Kingdom of God (light, blessings).

Finally, always remember the following: Truth is like the knife in the hand of a surgeon. However, lie is like the knife in the hand of a murderer.
I pray that the Lord God Almighty will grant you the grace to be attracted to truth and truthful/honest peoples and shun away from lie and liars/hypocrites/manipulators, In the name of Jesus Christ!