But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you. (Matthew 6:33)
Please note, “all these things” refers to all our needs. Interesting to note that the choice of words clearly suggests that all our needs will be given. In other words, the provisions for our needs are gifts from God as we seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness.
I believe the two are interchangeable so that the latter (seeking God’s righteousness) breaks down the abstract concept of “seeking the Kingdom of God “ to our level so that we can understand it. Simply put, I am to first seek the kingdom of God by first seeking his righteousness.
Let me quickly point out that the expression “seek God’s righteousness “ simply means seek what is right from God’s perspective (God’s will) or as Proverbs 3:6 puts it, “in all your ways acknowledge/submit to him and he will make your paths straight”. -this understanding is also taken from 1Jn 3:7.
However, we also know that God’s righteousness is a person, namely, Jesus Christ according to 1Corinthians 1:30 and Philippians 3:7-9.
Having said that, it is important to understand that each day we live on earth confronts each one of us with 3 kingdoms or wills: (1) the kingdom of God, (2) the kingdom of the self (I or ego) and the kingdoms of this world (a system under Satan).
Interestingly, the only place wherein all our needs are met is the kingdom of God (the Creator) and it is to be sought through the path of righteousness. Only someone who seeks the kingdom of God will find it because “every one who seeks finds”, says Jesus Christ. The exhortation to seek means allowing your heart to desire….
The verse we are looking at is in a text where the Lord Jesus confronts the reader with only two options: (1) worry or (2) seek first the kingdom of God -worrying is always self focused but seeking the kingdom of God is God focused. .To help the reader he points out the nonsense in worrying: “Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life.”(verse27)
The rhetorical question above is convicting, isn’t it? Who would disagree with it? Worrying is a game we play when we seek the kingdom of the I or ego and the kingdoms of the world (we live to please ourselves and the world around us). Hence, life feels like “hell” for most people instead of joyful and exciting . Worrying is a wicked tyrant indeed.
The irony of the situation is in the fact that all the things (needs) we worry about are not laboured for in the kingdom of God for they are given by God to his creatures as they turn to him (Jehovah Jireh). Hence, King David wrote, “I was young and now I am old, yet I have never seen the righteous forsaken or their children begging for bread.”(Psalm 37:25)
Let me encourage you to take few minutes out out of your busy schedule to contemplate nature, the beauty of the Lilly of the field and the health the birds of the earth display and then understand that they remind us that the God who created them and us is capable of taking care of us who are more valuable than them, not my words, and he does a better Job at it than any of us or the world could ever do.
The kingdom of God and his righteousness is the place where all our needs are met.
May God help us all.