The title of this article came to mind as I was reflecting on the upcoming elections in the DR-Congo. The process itself has seen the emergence of many prophets claiming to have a specific word from God about the specific presidential candidate God has chosen already to lead the country to prosperity by turning it into a place where flow “milk and honey”.
It is important to note that the language of the prophecies itself seems to suggest that God is about to cause a new (spiritual) Exodus of his new people (Congolese), from the oppression of one regime to freedom under a new regime so that the new leader is a kind of Moses as it were.
Interestingly, the huge crowds turn outs to the election campaign meetings of the “chosen candidate” are seen as a confirmation of these prophecies . Here we are told that for years the people have suffered oppression and cried out to God for a swift deliverance, and finally God has answered these prayers by appointing the deliverer for the country.
Obviously, in this case voting is reduced to voters simply going to endorse God’s chosen one at the ballots (or else) come Election Day.
I must say that all this is unprecedented from a biblical perceptive in terms of it being the first time I am aware of God appointing a deliverer of his choice who is to be endorsed by popular voting system.
Moreover, it is one thing for a “prophet or prophetess” to say: “God showed me who the next president is”, but another altogether to say: “God told me this particular presidential candidate is his chosen one”. The difference is that in the first instance God is simply opening a window into the future to his prophet, but in the second instance God steps in the electoral process to determine the final outcome.
From a theological perspective, however, it is important to note that God appoints individuals to position of leadership in accordance with his eternal plans and purposes. In this case God’s appointees are at his service exclusively, hence they are called God’s servants.
Accordingly, to me it seems that the problem with the presidential candidate purportedly God’s chosen in DR-Congo is that he has been mandated by a group of five other (visible) Congolese leaders with the backing of the (invisible) “international community”.
Obviously, he is actually at the service of a specific agenda and directly accountable to those who nominated him. To put it simply, he cannot be said to be in the service of God by virtue of the process whereby he was nominated.
Consequently, If it is true that this particular candidate is chosen by God then we must conclude in light of the foregoing that he will be serving 2 masters, namely, God and those who nominated him (his patrons), which is impossible according to the Lord Jesus Christ (Matthew 6:24).
Needless to say that in such a situation the particular presidential candidate will not be able to lead the people to prosperity and turn the country into a place where flows “milk and honey” because he will be a puppet like those who presided over the country before him. Believing otherwise is failing to understand the real predicament in which is the country DR-Congo.
Therefore, we see real potential risk of the Congolese people missing this historic opportunity by failing to exercise their individual freedom to chose a candidate who will meet their aspirations as a people.
Why bring God into politics?