Your life is safe with God because he knows your worth. I would rather have God rule over me than anyone else because He knows my worth.
Wanting to be like other nations, the Israelites ask Samuel for a king to lead them. The request did not please Samuel. Hence, he took it to God.
1 Samuel 8:7,
“And the Lord told him: ‘Listen to all that the people are saying to you; it is not you they have rejected, but they have rejected me as their king’.”
The Lord went straight to the root of the problem, as he always does. True, there was a leadership problem involving Samuel’s sons as judges appointed by their father, but that was not the real problem. The real problem was the people’s rejecting theocracy or the rule of God as king.
Sometimes I wish God did not respect my choices as a human being, but he does. God knew that the choice people made was bad, but he let them have it. However, he warned them of the dire consequences (read 1 Kings 8:9-18). Nevertheless, the people insisted on having their way….
In summary, the warning of God consisted in telling the people that the king you want to have like the other nations of the world will not appreciate your worth because he does not know what you are worth. He will not treat you with respect as human beings created in the image of God, instead, he will treat you as commodities. He will use you and your children to his own ends, for his own sake, and you will lose your God-given freedom and possessions to him. He will not serve you but will force you to serve him!
Sadly, the people’s minds were made up already but little did they know that history was to prove God’s warning true. I hope your mind is not made up already so that you can receive the grace of God to listen to his warnings. The lesson here is that rejecting the rule of God invites trouble and cost freedom.
I believe that Israelites, like most of us, did not know their worth. Otherwise, they would not have requested to be ruled by a human being as king. For a people belonging to God or God’s own possession to reject Him for a human being as king is like “throwing pearls to swine”, yet that is exactly what has been happening throughout history.
I do not know about you, but the idea that I may not actually know my real worth scares me very much because not knowing my worth leaves me vulnerable to being exploited, mistreated, taken advantage of by others, and exposed to the devil’s lies.
Only God knows your worth. Hence, he sent his son Jesus Christ to redeem your life by his blood shed on the cross. He will treat you well because he knows your worth. He will provide for you and protect you because he knows your worth. He will not sacrifice you or trade you for anything else because he knows your worth.
You are safe in God’s hands and with him as King, indeed. To God the glory!