I cannot get my head to understand how seemingly smart and intelligent peoples in the world today got to the point of believing that taking the Bible seriously implies lack of critical thinking!!!
I would have thought that considering the shape of the world today and the fact that the Bible prophesies about it should be reason enough to prompt smart and intelligent peoples to read it critically, which is what most serious Christians do every day.
The more the Bible is read in the light of contemporary events, the more its credibility is established and the more everything begins to make sense.
I often hear especially young peoples ask: “how could anyone read a book more than 2000 year old?” In other words, how could a book so old be in touch with today’s world? Here we find the uniqueness of the Bible and the argument for ascribing its authorship to no other but God himself. Please note that the question who wrote the Bible is settled by God himself by his referring to it as his word… (2 Timothy 3:16; 2Peter1:19-21)
See, despite being more than 2000 year old a book, the fact is, the Bible accurately speaks about the past, the present, and the future yet to be realised. It teaches that nothing happens randomly in the world and history is not linear but cyclical as in when the teacher (Ecclesiastes) states that there is nothing new under the sun, meaning, what is has been already and will be in the future.
I could not help asking the following question: “how is that?” And, I found the answer to the question in the observation made by the man who said that “the greatest lesson history teaches us is that human beings do not learn from history”. Most people’s claim to be critical thinkers is actually selective and biased, if not void. Anyone who would read history critically could only concur.
A verse for readers’ consideration: Philippians 4:8, “Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable – if anything is excellent or praiseworthy – think about such things.”
Whoever said you cannot be a serious thinker, critical thinker, and take the Bible seriously?