“Do not judge, or you too will be judged.” (Matthew 7:1)
Being judged must be a bad enough prospect to be avoided at all cost even to the extent of keeping us from judging.
What is so bad about judging? The verse we are looking at today suggests that every time I judge someone I expose myself to being judged. In other words, judging has potential to hurt me! And, every time I judge you I come under judgement for my own wrong doings -Judging you “draws God’s attention” to my own sins. Accordingly, the only way for me to continue enjoying God’s grace, for where grace abounds there is no judgement, is to continue being gracious to others.
The act of judging does trigger an emotional reaction which in turn can prompt a negative response towards the one or those being judged. When judging others, one can feel angry, sad, anxious, or depressed. However, being judged causes guilt and shame, which are painful feelings that ironically often account for hypocrisy (we cover up) and lies especially in marriages, businesses and even churches. I am yet to see where a human being judging another proves helpful in any possible way.
It is important to note that this verse is about judging others because elsewhere the bible suggests judging ourselves (self-examining) as helpful exercise and necessary for spiritual growth as it helps cultivate humility in us and kill self-pride so that we can empathise with those who struggle with sins and support them in their recovery when they fall….
It seems to me that refraining from judging others can spare me frustration in relationships, bring healing in marriages, and help avoid sleepless night due to anxiety and depression, chronic anger, let alone the risk of losing the joy of the Lord.
Lord help us overcome the disease of judging others and equip us instead to be like you in showing the world the power of grace to heal, and establish broken lives into the fullness of your love.