The remarkable thing about the title of this message is that it repeats verbatim the statement Jesus of Nazareth (the Christ) made on the on the Cross of Calvary before giving up his last breath (John 9:30). Of course, it prompts us to want to know what he meant by it: What is finished?
Most cultures believe in the value of the last words of a dying person which are understood to be spoken always for the sake of the living, yes even us in this is case….Of course, we also know that Jesus is alive for he rose from the dead of the third day!
What is finished? John 4:34 comes to mind: “My food,” said Jesus, “is to do the will of him who sent me and to finish his work.” It means that Jesus was on a mission, considering the statement “the one who sent me”, which brings both Isaiah 6:8 and 63:5 to mind….
Similitude and Contrast.
1. Isaiah 6:8 (NIV), “Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, ‘Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?’ And I said, ‘Here am I. Send me!’” (Cf. Hebrews 10:5-7).
2. Isaiah 63:5 (NIV), “I looked, but there was no one to help, I was appalled that no one gave support; so my own arm achieved salvation for me, and my own wrath sustained me.”
See, Isaiah 6:8 describes the Lord (God) looking for someone to send and finding that person in the prophet Isaiah who came forth volunteering himself, whilst in the process seeing himself unfit (see Isaiah 5:6)….However, in Isaiah 63:5, we note the Lord’s disappointment as he looked but found no one there to help! Therefore, he took it on himself… (see Isaiah 63:5c). In other words, He had to do it Himself because there was no one else who could have done it!
We couldn’t help our mind recalling Revelation 5:3-4 (NIV) as we hinted at the statement “he looked but found no one there to help”: John describing the vision, “… But no one in heaven or on earth or under the earth could open the scroll or even look inside it. I wept and wept because no one was found who was worthy to open the scroll or look inside.” -No wonder Jesus said, “… I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” (John 14:6, NIV)…. Please take time to read Revelation 5 to understand why John wept before the throne of God in heaven and what unfolds afterward (in history) thanks to the Lamb John saw “looking as if it had been slain” (Revelation 5:6)….
Interestingly, in John 4:34 Jesus hints at two aspects of his mission, namely, (1) “do the will of him who sent me” and (2) “to finish his work”. Please note, he is talking about the work of him who sent him, referring to God’s Plan of Salvation, not his own work. Here Jesus wants us to look beyond him to “him who sent” him, namely, God Himself….
Hence, apostle Paul writes in 2 Corinthians 5:19 (KJV): “…God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto himself, not imputing their trespasses unto them; and hath committed unto us the word of reconciliation.” Please take note of the statement “God was in Christ” (cf. John 14:9) -“For God was pleased to have all his fullness dwell in him,” (Colossians 1:19, NIV).
Anyone familiar with apostle Paul’s writings in the New Testament should know that the Cross of Calvary was the place of reconciliation between God and humankind (See Ephesians 2:14-18). Hence, Jesus disclosed his mission on earth, almost incidentally, in Matthew 20:28, NIV: “-just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”…
Two concepts are worth noting thus far: (1) reconciliation (God reconciling the world to Himself) and (2) ransom (Jesus gave his life as a ransom for many”.
We are told that ransom is “something paid or demanded for the freedom of a captured person”.
Hence, Colossians 2:13-15 (NIV) reveals: “When you were dead in your sins and in the uncircumcision of your flesh, God made you alive with Christ. He forgave us all our sins, having canceled the charge of our legal indebtedness, which stood against us and condemned us; he has taken it away, nailing it to the cross. And having disarmed the powers and authorities, he made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them by the cross.” Why fear Satan and his cohort (evil spirits, principalities, demons, and their agents) if you’re in Christ?Praise the Lord!!!
Someone rightly asked: Who is really free in this life anyway? Here we understand that mentioning “many” instead of “all” (Matthew 20:28) is done deliberately to indicate that the ransom takes effect for those who believe in Jesus (not universalism)….
Simply put, anyone who believes in Jesus finds freedom as he paid the full price for it already! (Cf. John 1:12) It could be you today if you’re yet to believe in Jesus as your personal Lord and Saviour (Acts 16:31). See, you cannot be denied freedom from all sorts of bondage as soon as you believe in Jesus?…
Interestingly, Galatians 5:1 (NIV) states: “It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.” Set free for freedom, yet denying themselves that freedom in actual facts for failure to understand the full implication of the finished work Jesus did on the Cross of Calvary. Obviously, that ignorance was exploited by others, including Satan and his agents, to the detriment of their own spiritual growth/emancipation….Talking about the reality of “mental slavery” even in church! God help us!
We recall John 8:36 (NIV), “So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.” In other words, Christ Jesus set us free for us to be free indeed! Remember, Jesus paid the price on the Cross and before dying he said “it is finished”. He said it for our sake (the living). Did you hear it? It means that the door that kept you in prison (bondage) is unlocked. What are you waiting for? May God help you/prompt you to step out simply by believing in Jesus, even as you read this message!
Finally, it is important to understand that the Galatians case sounds a warning for anyone set free: Do not let yourself be burden again by a yoke of slavery (sin, demons, human traditions,…)! Henceforth claim your freedom daily and walk in the reality of the fullness of the finished work that Jesus did on the Cross for your sake. He said, “It is finished”.
May God help us all!