The title above could be used to illustrate the concept of repentance that we simply define as agreeing with God on every issue pertaining to life (living) on earth.
The necessity to agree with God becomes evident when we dare using the microscope as a metaphor for God in the same way we use the potter (Romans 9:21). Thanks to the microscope we know that there is more to life than meet the eye; Who dares arguing against or ignore what a microscope shows?
No one in his or her right mind doubts what the microscope reveals for the simple reason that the general agreement is that the microscope can reveal reality beyond the physical eyes’ capacity to see, invisible yet real as to affect our daily living.
This message is not about the microscope but about God from whom nothing is hidden. Unlike us (human beings), God sees everything, hence He knows everything (Omniscient). It means that through God (revelation) we can know what is hidden from natural sight or from us, including what belong to the invisible or spiritual realm. This is significant considering the view that reality is essentially spiritual so that the physical is only a shadow (of the spiritual) -some even describe physical reality as “illusion”. We are reminded that what happens in the physical (our experiences) is the manifestation of what already happened in the spiritual realm…..
Consider the case of Daniel, for example. We recall that King Nebuchadnezzar had a dream which was so troubling that the king would not risk being deceived with a wrong interpretation. Hence, he decided to hide the content of the dream but asked to be told the meaning (interpretation).
Unable to interpret the dream the king’s astrologers had only the following to say: Daniel 2:11, “What the king asks is too difficult. No one can reveal it to the king except the gods, and they do not live among men.” Shocking, isn’t? Yes shocking but not surprising….Interestingly, Daniel agreed with the king’s astrologers but went one step further: Daniel 2:27, 28: “Daniel replied, ‘No wise man, enchanter, magician or diviner can explain to the king the mystery he has asked about, but there is a God in heaven who reveals mysteries.”
Daniel went on interpreting the dream. And, Daniel 2:47 states, “The King [Nebuchadnezzar] said to Daniel, ‘Surely your God is the God of gods and the Lord of kings and a revealer of mysteries, for you were able to reveal this mystery. “ For human beings anything that is hidden or not known is mystery.
king Nebuchadnezzar’s words above confirmed Daniel’s confession about God (see Daniel 2:17-23). Please note particularly Daniel 2:22: “He [God] reveals deep and hidden things; he knows what lies in darkness, and light dwells in him.” Accordingly, ignoring God could only be to human beings own detriment especially, but not only, in times of crises. Imagine the world having to deal with COVID-19 without using microscope in laboratory!….We’re talking about seeing life through God’s lenses or the way God reveals it.
Let’s explain the process of seeing through God’s lenses in order to illustrate the benefit thereof. We will use the case of of Rebekah: Genesis 25:22, “The babies jostled each other within her, and she said, ‘Why is this happening to me? So she went to inquire of the Lord.” At this point it is important to note that Rebekah was pregnant but did not understand what was happening in her womb, it was mystery to her.
And, Genesis 25:23 states, “The Lord said to her, ‘Two nations are in your womb, and two peoples from within you will be separated; one people will be stronger than the other, and the older will serve the younger.’”
It is important to understand that God’s lenses revealed two nations or two peoples -spiritually no one is individual. However, human lenses (ultrasound) would have revealed two babies (twins) in Rebekah’s womb as per usual. Simply put, humans lenses (view) here reduce two nations or peoples to two individuals creating identity crises (the world today): What a tragedy! Yet, God’s lenses (revelation) always represents reality as it is -we use “revelation” for something God makes known because it cannot not be known otherwise. As such God’s revelation is always beneficial.
The case of Rebekah suggests two scenarios that help us understand the benefit of seeing life through God’s lenses:
1. As a mother Rebekah tells her twins from their young age to adulthood/manhood the truth that they are actually two nations or peoples (God’s lenses) so that they develop a nation-based consciousness or identity reflecting awareness of their responsibility for future generations (live for others).
2. As a mother Rebekah tells her twins from their young age to adulthood/manhood that they are only two individuals (human lenses) so that they develop individual-based consciousness or identity reflecting ignorance of their responsibility for future generations (selfish, hedonistic).
See, seeing life through God’s lenses or word (revelation) is not an option for human beings living on earth: It is a necessity, like using a specialist prescription to manage and treat a sickness or health condition. God’s revelation is like a microscope that opens up reality beyond our physical senses as to empower us to live more fulfilling lives accordingly.
May God help us all!