The simplest way to understand the costs, or consequences, of disobeying God is to take time to think of having or causing a serious car accident on a busy road because of not following/obeying traffic regulations….
We learn about the fall of Man in the book of Genesis (chap. 3). Disobedience led to the Fall of Man and falling is always to someone or something. Needless to say in this case that disobeying God was neither in the interest of Man nor in the interest of God, on the contrary. It was in the interest of Satan (serpent), that is, at the expenses of Man. Man fell from Glory -God’s will for Man- (Romans 3:23) to slavery under the dominion of Satan -Man fell from God’s glory to Satan curses (stripped spiritually…). At this particular exact moment (of trusting Satan instead of God) Man lost everything he had including his descendants and fortune/blessings to Satan. Man’s offspring born in slavery are slaves to the same master (Satan) by right. It means that Satan has claims over every human being on earth, except those who have been redeemed by the blood of Jesus -redemption is the only hope for a slave. I pray that you join the redeemed by believing in Jesus Christ today.
We are talking about the costs of disobedience. In so doing we are saying that every act of disobedience has serious consequences. Some people think that life would be easier and more fun without God’s law. This is like saying that driving would be easier and fun without driving regulations, but this is not true, is it? Hence, the Lord Jesus had to remind religious people around him that “man was not made for the Sabbath but the Sabbath was made for man”….. God’s law is meant to protect “Man” from the serious consequences of disobedience. The more I consider the matter, the more it is becoming clear to me that God’s law pre-empt Satan plans of stealing, killing, and destroying -Satan’s plan is to cause you to fall, but God’s law tells you how to not fall. Hence, Apostle Paul remarked that the law of God is good (Romans 7:12). However, the problem is with man born slave and not the law itself. Such a man needs Jesus Christ…. (Please take time to read Romans for better understanding).
See, just as disobedience made man fall to Satan, man’s obedience keeps Satan under his (man’s) feet, as it were. The best way to frustrate Satan and walk in victory is by living in daily obedience to God. Obedience to God is not in the devil’s interest, but in both your interest and God’s interest -God has your interest in mind always. Remember, God takes pleasure in seeing you truly happy whereas your happiness is enough to have Satan hate you. May the Lord help us all, in Jesus Christ’s name.