Guard your steps when you go to the house of God. Go near to listen rather than to offer the sacrifice of fools, who do not know that they do wrong. (Ecclesiastes 5:1)
A fool, according to our verse, is someone who does something not knowing that it is wrong, or who does something wrong as if it was right. Accordingly, the term “the sacrifice of fools” refers to the sacrifice offered by someone who does not know that offering or making such a sacrifice is wrong.
We are talking here about someone who does not guard his steps (careless) when he goes to the house of God. Such a person is quick with his mouth, hasty in his heart to utter anything before God, not knowing that doing so is wrong. She makes vows before, or promises to, God only to take time and even fail to fulfil them, as if not knowing that God “has no pleasure in fools.” (Verse 4)
Let’s consider two cases in the New Testament illustrating the sacrifice of fools. (1) Matthew 5:23, “Therefore, if you are offering your gift at the altar and there remember that your brother has something against you, leave your gift there in front of the altar. First go and be reconciled to your brother; then come and offer your gift.”
In this case, you have wronged your brother or sister so that the one has something against you. Your gift would be a sacrifice of fool if you were to proceed with offering it at the altar without first seeking reconciliation with the brother or sister. In other words, it is wrong to present your gift to God under such circumstances and he will not accept it. I wonder how many of us have been diligent in our offerings to God Every Sunday after spending Monday to Saturday hating and hurting our brothers and sisters. No wonder we constantly sow but we do not reap…..
Case 2 is in the book of Acts. The case of Ananias and Sapphira in Acts 5:1-10: The couple sold their property following what other early Christians were doing. However, they agreed as husband and wife to lie about the real amount they got for the property. The sad thing in the story is that the couple was under no obligation to bring the whole sum of money to the apostles. Both husband and wife died for lying not to men but to God. Theirs was a sacrifice of fools which cost their lives, unfortunately. I believe that what happened to them was meant as a lesson to the body of Christ (Church) in general. Only a fool will lie with his offering to God….
What kind of sacrifice (gifts, offerings, tithes) do you offer God? I pray that you do not offer him the sacrifice of fools, in the name of Jesus Christ!
May the Lord help us!