Moreover whom he did predestined, them he also called: and whom he called, them he also justified: and whom he justified, them he also glorified (Romans 8:30).
Everyone who’s born again has been glorified. It’s not something we’re hoping for or expecting to take place; it’s already happened. You have His glory in your life, and the implication of this is that you’re full of honour and Kingdom dignity! You can’t be dishonoured, because His honour is on you!
No wonder we have joy unspeakable, and full of glory, even in the midst of adversity! No wonder we’re so passionate for the Gospel; we can’t be persecuted enough to give this up. We have a life-changing message for the whole world. When we see men and women around the world living a failed life, we feel it, because we know we hold the key to their salvation. We’re compelled to take the Gospel to them, because we know that the one who has Christ is brought into a life of honour, glory, and dignity.
In that some people disregard you, spite you, and persecute you, shouldn’t mean anything to you! Never feel insulted about such things. God Himself has glorified you. No one can change that. If you’re a leader in the church, or a minister of the Gospel, and there’re those (perhaps even in your group) who tend to disregard or dishonour you, refuse to care. You’ve been glorified.
If you’ve suffered anything for the sake of the Gospel, don’t worry; the Lord will reward you at the right time. The more shame men may try to put on you, the more glorious your light shines before the Lord! You’re decorated every time you suffer persecution for His Name’s sake; the glory on you increases. The angels can see the glory. Demons can see it too. And if God were to open your eyes in the spirit, you’d be amazed how glorious you’ve become for the things that you suffered for the sake of the Gospel.
Therefore, never despair. Keep doing all that you do for the Lord with greater fervour and unquenchable passion. Remember this: His glory is on you, and no amount of persecution and dishonour from men can take it away! Halleluiah!
Dear heavenly Father, I thank you for your glory in my life, which has set me on the path of honour and God’s kingdom dignity. I’m conscious of and thankful for your ever-increasing glory and honour in my life, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.