The problem of evil in the world
The issue of evil in the world is puzzling for many people who find hard to believe that a “good God” could create such an evil world. It is interesting…
God rebukes and disciplines
I realise that not many people, including Christians, think of God’s rebuke and discipline as evidence of his love. Yet, that is exactly what revelation 3:19 states: the risen Lord…
Critical thinking and serious believers
I cannot get my head to understand how seemingly smart and intelligent peoples in the world today got to the point of believing that taking the Bible seriously implies lack…
Spiritual warfare
Most people feel that life in the world is a never-ending struggle, but Christians more so than the rest of the world. Hence, we often describe death as a resting…
We are all servants
Yes, every human being living in the world was born to serve God, even though most of us do not do it actually. This failure on the part of the…